deadface DEADFACE CTF 2024 Steganography Write-Up In this blog, I’ll walk you through my intended solutions for each challenge, providing insights into the thought process behind their creation and the techniques used to crack them.
deadface DEADFACE CTF: Sneaky Static Walkthrough Sneaky Static is a steganography challenge from DEADFACE CTF 2023. This challenge requires players to find an mp4file appended to another mp4. Common steganography tools will not be able to detect or carve out the hidden file.
steganography Hiding Information by Manipulating an Image's Height In this blog, I'll demonstrate how this can be accomplished and what it might possibly look like in real-world application.
ctf SwampCTF - Last Transmission Last Transmission is another steganography challenge. It's not as sophisticated as some of the others - but its point value was low, so that's to be expected. This one actually
ctf SwampCTF - Leap of Faith This is another steganography challenge that required the use of several tools atypical of traditional steganography. I found this one very challenging at first, and it required a lot of
ctf SwampCTF - Neo Neo is the first challenge I solved in SwampCTF. This challenge was worth 50 points and was definitely one of the easier challenges to solve. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accessing the Challenge Clicking